Actual mission grapes from one of the ancient vines originally planted by the original founders of the mission! We did not eat any of these, because it would be rude, but I will admit we found some that had fallen out of the way and tried those.

This is one of my traditional shots. I love shots of seating, especially in those long, lovely corridors in the missions.

Here's an ostrich at Ostrichland USA. (They also have emus!) You can pay a little extra and feed the ostriches. These seem like cool, funny birds until you get right up close to them, and then you wonder how anyone had the courage to farm them in the first place!

A close up of some ostrich feet. You do not want to be on the receiving end of this sort of thing. You can easily see how they may have been dinosaurs at some point.

Here's the pier at the Gaviota beach. It was golden hour and everything at the beach photographed well.

And a shot of the beach proper.

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